2022 Show “Fictional Cats” OCA & SCA Back-to-Back (June 18th)
It was great to be back after a two-year absence, and whilst a really low entry (sadly) in the HHP section, we had a good entry with some superb quality examples of our lovely breeds.
The weather on Friday the 17th was extremely hot, but we have a large and airy hall with industrial fans on standby. That wasn’t needed as Saturday morning the temperature had dropped and it had started to rain. Great news for the cats.
Our entry came from far and wide across England; some loyal supporters and some new ones. We hope everyone had a great day. The feedback on the day from several of our exhibitors indicated that they valued our Show because of the quality of the cats and the knowledge and experience of our chosen Judges.
Thank you to all our exhibitors who are the backbone of our shows. We really loved seeing you and your fabulous cats. Thank you to the committees of both clubs; they all worked so hard to get the show ready on Friday evening, enabling the start to go smoothly on Saturday, so that we made an early finish and the clear down afterwards.
Thank you to the judges and stewards, who had some hard choices, and to the table workers and stall holders.
Best in Show was the lovely Oriental Tortie kitten “Fiordiliso Total Eclipse” owned and bred by Tom Cassar-Simmonds.
Our themed Top Cat was won by Chris Gilman’s “Fiordiliso Dickie Ticker”.
Our show date next year will be the 1st July
2023. We look forward to seeing everyone again.